Tuesday, May 14, 2013

True Christianity


At present, truth is off the table. Most speak of their "perspective" or their "viewpoint" as if there were no such thing as a real solid truth outside them, out in the world: as if, every truth was as small as a dot on a map, and every map consisted only of disconnected plots of earth: lonely cities which never touch one another.

Nothing could be more shocking to our pluralistic ears than this: Christianity is true.

Some assertions are true; some are false. Truth gives life and good guidance. The opposite of such truth is error, and dangerous. Christianity is true; all views and claims that contradict it are false.

I noticed, in college, that Christians were most often "hard scientists" -- engineers, especially, seemed to gravitate toward Christianity. When I considered this, it made perfect sense: these are people who believe in truth and order.

There is a problem when we begin to speak about Christianity being true: namely, not many know what true Christianity is: not many know what Christianity actually teaches, what the Bible actually says, or what Jesus actually came to do.

Christianity is true. But, what is true Christianity? I've met numerous people who think they know what Christianity teaches, and time and again, found Christ being slandered. Christianity has been cast in a thousand different roles, some fashionable, some offensive, to modern ears. Unbelievers will attack Christ and His Gospel as a strawman, and misrepresent the teachings of the Scriptures. In some cases, they will assert as Christianity the very opposite of what Christianity actually asserts. In other cases, they will try and found a heresy of their own only to find out Christianity came long before them, and stamped their assertion as orthodoxy.

We commonly hear, "There's no truth." To which the reply is in order, "Is that true?" If the respondent answers affirmatively, "Yes," well then, there must be truth after all.

True Christianity is True.

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