Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Types of Questions

by CWK

Types of Questions
def. Clarifies confusing/ unclear
ex. Do I have this right?
ex. 2. Can you tell me what this means?
Double Choice
def. Presents only two options.
ex. To be, or not to be?
Multiple Choice
def. Presents multiple options
ex. Should we go home, or to the store, or to the bank, or somewhere else?
def. Expresses impatience, longing, desire to be answered.
ex. How long do I have to wait in line?
def. Seeks to gain facts.
ex. How much is that car?
Ex. 2 What time are we leaving?
Emphatic Declaration
def. Makes a point more powerfully by putting it in the form of a question, or asserts a truth via a question.
ex. Will he not much more clothe you?
ex. Which of your fathers, if your son asks him for...?
ex. Isn’t it obvious to everyone that this is not working?
def. Expresses opinion: negative or positive. The context alone determines whether such a question is intended to be a positive or negative evaluation.

Positive ex.1 What manner of child is this?
Positive ex. 2 (after eating delicious cake) What kind of cake is this?
Neg. ex. 1 What was the purpose for wasting this ointment?
Neg. ex. 2 (after eating terrible cake)
 What kind of cake is this?

def. Presents an ‘if’ –‘then’ scenario. Often, both or one of the words ‘if,’ ‘then,’ is included in such a question, but not always.
ex. If you want to be a professional, then shouldn’t you spend more time practicing.
ex. Are you married? Then do not...
ex. Do we have time to eat? Then, let’s eat!
def. intro’s new topic, shifts discussion, provides transition to application
ex. What does it mean to be a Christian?
ex. 2 How shall we then live?
Obvious Choice
def. Presents two possibilities, only one being real.
ex. Shall we deal with this, or just be miserable?
def. Demonstrates anxiety, bafflement
ex. What are we supposed to do now?
def. Brings argument to a close
ex. What shall we say to these things?
Ex. What can we conclude from these facts?
def. Makes a command in the form of a question. Sometimes this softens the command (a good way to speak to a superior); sometimes it makes the command more forceful.

 Ex. 1 (soften) Why don’t you think about this awhile (i.e. Think about it!)?
Ex. 1 Why are you still here (i.e. Leave!)?

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