Friday, July 01, 2011

Is Sunday The Lord's Day?

by CWK

The top reasons why we believe the Lord's Day should be
the first day of the week (i.e. Sunday).

1)      When making a Biblical argument, proof texting is not always the best
way to establish a point. That is why we to Biblical theology, and
Redemptive History. There is no single text in the Bible that says God
exists in Trinity, but we understand this to be the case. In fact, the Bible
does not use the word Trinity. But, as the scriptures move on this Doctrine
become ever plainer. We have good and sufficient reasons to speak about the
Trinity, and we could provide texts to show that it is correct, but we need
most of all an overall Biblical argument. Second, think about the doctrine
of the full humanity and divinity of Jesus. We need, once again, an overall
Biblical argument. So, I think the way to go about establishing our view of
the Sabbath is to make an overall Biblical argument. This means taking into
consideration what I have referred to as "Redemptive History." By redemptive
history I mean: the way the Bible presents itself as a book which focuses on
the redemption of Christ. This redemption is not revealed all at once, but
has a history - this means it is steadily progressing. Moses had light,
Isaiah a little more, but the full light comes with Christ. So, we need to
read the OT texts in light of the NT, and understand that God has a plan
which is ever moving toward culmination in Jesus.
       John 1:17: For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came
through Jesus Christ.
2)      The passages that mention the first day of the week:
       Luke 24:1: But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they
went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared.
Acts 20:7: Communion celebrated on first day of the week. We don't read in
the NT about communion being celebrated on any other day. However, it is
significant that when Luke mentions the 'breaking of bread' he mentions it
on 'the first day.' Also, it is interesting to note that Paul preached to
the disciples here on the first day. So, we have something very much like a
worship service: preaching and the Lord's supper.
1 Corinthians 16:1-2
<> : weekly
church collection on first day of the week
The phrase 'first day of the week' would ring in the ears of the apostolic
Church. This is the day the Lord was raised! So, when Luke refers to the
'first day' in Acts I believe we should read that with the background of
what he has already said in Lk. 24:1.
3)      The fact that the sabbath was a shadow - the substance of which is
fulfilled in the rest provided by Christ. If we go back to the Sabbath we
are, I would say, living in the shadow. There is progress to God's history
of redemption, from shadow to substance: From sabbath to Lord's day.
       Colossians 2:16-17 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in
questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a
Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs
to Christ.
4)      The clear celebration of something called 'The Lord's Day' in the NT
(Revelation 1:10).
       We have to do some deduction here. What is meant by the phrase 'the
Lord's day.' We would say - Lord's Day means the Lord Jesus' Day. A day when
we particularly celebrate the work of the Lord Jesus. A day devoted to the
Lord Jesus. John just throws this phrase out there: apparently he expected
that his readers would understand when this day was. It was, already at this
point, an established day. Which day is this? Well, I would say given the
significance of the 'first day' in Luke, Acts, and 1 Corinthians, along with
the fact that the Lord was raised on 'the first day' that we should take
this to mean the first day of the week.
       I don't know if you find these reasons convincing. I am here making
an argument that appeals to a number of texts and requires some conjoining
of the principles in those texts. I would not say this is setting aside the
texts in the OT that speak about the Sabbath, but rather reading them in the
full light of the NT, plus an understanding that in the OT we have shadows
that point us to the substance of Christ. 

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