Tuesday, January 05, 2016


Room, to breathe,
think, feel, grieve.
Room to stay,
– or else, to leave.
Room to say, to play, to pray.
Room to doubt, and to believe.
Room to take, and to receive.

Room, to lie quietly in the grass, 
and not think about the past;
Room, also, to remember; and room, to forget.
Room, to count losses; to regret.
Room to be forgive; to cancel, and to pay, debts.

Room to set aside demands,
and slumber in the shade.
Room, to escape hard hasty aches
for worlds of sleepy dreams.
Room, bursting at the seams.

There's room there;
room to lay aside your cares.
Room, there, room up to the sky:
room to laugh, and room to cry.
Room there, where travelers walk on waves,
skip on stormy lakes,
and recline upon the breaks.
Room there, where, every savior's saved
who died for other's sakes.
Room there, where, like everwhere,
the ogres marches make
-- but there, the sleepers never wake.

Room, a room is free at last.
Room to think
about the future and the past.
Room to plan my days,
or scan my ways,
praise my wins,
confess my sins.

Room: the space for grace.
There is room, if you will.
Room to feel
the joy and the pain.
To count my losses and my gains.
Room, to exult in hope;
Room, to cut losses, and and cope.

Room, a thousand miles across.
Room to grieve;
room; reprieve for loss.
Room to weep, and moan, and tear
my clothes all into tatters.
Room to be now, and beware.
Room to feel frightened,
but not scared.
Room now –
room to care, or not to care.

Room falls through my hands
like a sieve.
So much room.
Enough to grow, to know,
to live.

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